Unified Services

At Unified Software Solutions our developers don’t just work for us they work for you. In a digital age it is imperative that your business has the right exposure and management of it’s assets and processes. Having the right I.T. solution can drastically reduce the amount of time your business spends on administrative tasks and can free you up to do what you do best.

Drastically reduce the amount of time spent on administrative
tasks and give your business the right on-line exposure.

Implementing a state of the art system or website can be complicated so why not let us do the work for you! Want to rid yourself of your current paper based or antiquated system? Need a highly compatible website, electronic point of sale system or an in-house I.T. solution?

Take a look at some of the tasks our development team can perform for you…


Our development team are all highly trained individuals with both software engineering degrees and Microsoft Certifications in software development. We strive to continually learn so that we are at the forefront of technology. If your business is looking to outsource its software development we can offer highly competitive contract rates and an excellent work ethic. Read More


Whether you’re considering your first steps into putting together an I.T. solution, or if the wheels are already in motion and you just need advice, we are happy to help. We offer a number of consultancy based services which range from helping you decide which solutions are right for your business to full on analysis and design of a new system or modification. Read More

Unified Consultancy

Data Services

There will come a time when as your business grows you will need to either expose some of your data to a third party, migrate data from one system to another system, or simply optimise and restructure what you already have. Database design is particularly important as a poor design can lead to an unresponsive system which will only get worse as your business and system grows. Why not let us see what we can do for you by requesting a database health check! Read More


Do you have a system in place but can’t get the information out in a presentable format? Unified Software Solutions can offer you a report generation tool which hooks into your existing system. We will provide you with a set of standard reports which are tailored to your requirements and give you the power to schedule your reports to run at set intervals and to email your contacts. Read More

Unified Reporting